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Workbench Technology

SuperMan Plus  

SuperMan Plus is one of the five underlying "built-for-purpose" CBS technologies. It is a "double" Application Module which provides all the functionality of SuperMan and a whole lot more.

In addition to work schedules, templates, manual rosters, approved leave, accredited roles, service points and service areas, time and attendance, SuperSTARS self-service kiosks, management reports and export payroll files, it also includes automated rostering and staff appraisal.

The automated rostering is available for filling the work schedule, dealing with surplus staff, staff on standby, calling in additional staff and handling last minute changes owing to staff unavailability or increases or decreases in customer requirements or market demand.

The Compass Business Suite rostering engines are sophisticated and efficient. They allow rostering personnel to assign staff from specific groups or from all areas across the enterprise.

This assignment of work can be done both in advance and in real-time during operations, without breaking EBA rules or incurring costly overtime.

SuperMan Plus has been specifically designed to automate the assignment of staff to changing work requirements, while ensuring the enforcement of Enterprise/Award Rules and taking into account a myriad of other factors like staff availability, preferences, management requirements, ranking of work requirements and role targets.

A brief look at some of the user screens will illustrate the vast number of factors the automated rostering engines can take into account.

We can also show you how, with just a touch of a button, the engines can handle millions of calculations needed to produce a number of alternative practical rostering solutions which can then be costed and compared.

Just give us a call so we can arrange to demonstrate this unique technology. We can do that in our modern, fully-equipped training facility, or we can send out a CD and do it over the phone.