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Scheduling Work, Preventative Maintenance on Assets, and Essential Safety

Workbench Technology

Asset Maintenance  

Compass Asset Maintenance [CAMS] is one of the five underlying "built-for-purpose" CBS technologies.

CAMS is a Better Way to schedule regular maintenance work and ad-hoc development projects. The database figures out what maintenance work needs to be done and when. Safety inspections, preventative maintenance, and compliance repairs can be scheduled as far ahead as you want. This helps to issue work orders just in time - not too early, not too late.

CBS shows who is the best placed person [whether a qualified staffer or best priced contractor] to carry out the work.

Detailed records of work done, quality reviews and rework required are kept on-line, along with any before and after images, work docket returns, time sheet details, invoices, parts and materials used, and so on. This information is stored against the asset facility, the project, job or work order and readily retrieved, summarized or archived.

Performance reviews and worker gradings are fully supported.

Staff and contractors know where they stand. Users can see at a glance all work currently scheduled and the status of any work in progress.

Management can track requests, issues and complaints. In addition, management can review in detail each piece of work done, issues found and costs incurred.

Save Time & Money
You can can save valuable time and money, by only targetting work that really needs to be done rather than carrying out the same work tasks every cycle. CBS allows users to alter the tasks and timing of the maintenance cycle based on factors such as season, asset condition, previously noted faults, complaint rates, and quality of maintenance work done last time. For example, a work cycle may comprise a full inspection and maintenance work order, followed by two cut-down inspection-only work orders. Any defaults that are non-critical can be left until a future cycle.

CBS allows work orders to be chained together so that details of repair work left for a future stage can be traced back to the original situation when the work cycle is ready to be scheduled again.

Work orders can be customized to take best advantage of the skill set of the person or team assigned to the job.

With CBS, even minor improvements in quality review and audit review processes can significantly reduce the number of inspection and maintenance work orders you need to schedule and the time cost incurred on each one. Ensuring things are done right [first time around], and perhaps less often, can reduce the strain on the engineering staff as well as the overall cost of the engineering department. Being able to track work quality across all jobs in the Works Dept. means being more strategic on hiring, staff complement, and preferred supplier decisions.

We Can Do It For You
Compass Team supports users all the way. We can provide access to CBS software over the internet so the client does not need technical staff to run a database installation or backup. In addition, we offer a cost-effective bureau service that issues work orders direct to the staffer or contractor and records all details of work done so your skilled staff can spend their time on engineering rather than administrative matters.

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Preventative Maintenance

Scheduling Work Just-in-Time

Choosing the Assignee

Assignee Support

Performance Assessment

Training Staff

Issues and Complaints

Essential Safety Inspections and Repairs

Essential Safety Maintenance Bureau Service

Essential Safety Audit