What is CBS?


CBS - Components  

Compass Business Suite is a new breed of enterprise management software.

Each component has been designed to fit perfectly into CBS as a whole, seamlessly. This allows unique messaging, reminder and work-flow functions to take the user directly to the related record without the need for searching or remembering where you are up to.

It has functions to support management, staff, suppliers and customers. And it's flexible enough to fit in with existing business processes and organization so it suits all sorts of enterprises. Everyone in the enterprise benefits, whether senior, middle or supervisory management and the self-service functions are ideal for staff at large.

For senior executives, CBS has functions for strategic planning, management communication and cultural change.

  • Capabilities Management, Skills Audit, Staff Planning

      COMPASS CAPABILITIES [see link at Right] is revolutionary! It provides a new practical way of defining, authorizing and classifying enterprise Capabilities, and for assessing and capturing Person Capabilities right down to the level of refinement you need, without clutter or unnecessary detail. This functionality makes Capabilities the new valuable HR currency that enables an exceptional degree of control over strategic and operational staff planning, recruitment, selection, training needs, assessment, performance management, staff reviews, career planning and succession planning.

    Career Planning and Succession Planning

    CORRIDOR™ Communications and Information Repository

    e-GRAMs for Everyone

    Preventative Maintenance Planning and Asset Management

    Supervisors use consoles for scheduling work, rostering staff, staff reviews, and so on. These make time-consuming tasks, straight-forward and fast. The administrative things team leaders have to do are now as automated and simple as possible.

    Work Scheduling Console

    Staff Rostering Console

    Staff Reviews and Performance Management

    Self-Service modules are ideal for staff, suppliers, customers, ratepayers, students, parents, constituents and other members of the public for access to relevant information and inter-active choices.

    EASI Work and Learning Console

    My Roster and Work Preferences

    Self-Assessment and Validation

    Tenderer and Sub-Contractor Pages

    Alpha Printer's Page

    Alpha Page [for Public Access]

    The function of CBS components are explained in the links [at right]. More info about our product, team and implementation services can be accessed from the drop down menus. We stand ready to meet with you and demonstrate how Compass Business Suite can solve your enterprise needs.




    Enterprise Activity Management Software

    Generic Business Processes

    Generic Organizational Process Responsibilities

    What is CBS?