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Implementation Project Management  

Implementation Project Management is an important step in installing the Compass Business Suite into your business.

To make the most of the Compass Business Suite in your enterprise, you need to ensure that the Business Processes are properly installed and understood by all relevant staff and managers.

The proper names of capabilities, service areas and points, and the brands, products and services that you provide to your customers, all need to be accurately captured to ensure your staff find it easy to know what they have to do.

Clearly, an enterprise cannot move from existing processes to new ones without proper training of their staff and a progressive transition from existing terms and concepts to new.

Management needs to communicate to all staff, exactly what is going on, what is intended and when, and how the changes will actually be made and by whom.

The Communication, Education and Training (CET) has to be controlled so that everyone gets to practice their new responsibilities, roles, use of computer screens and procedures in a timely, simple and straight-forward way.

Marketing will be responsible for entering the enterprise's historical information references, events, intents, brands, products, services, levels of staffing for each role, at each service point, in each service area, at each time during each day of each week of the year.

Human Resources will be responsible for entering the staff, their contact details, their assessed capabilities, their Staff Category and any special work agreements that they have with the enterprise.

Operations will be responsible for ensuring the work teams are controlled with the Ops Centre monitoring unfilled roles, surplus staff, unexpected unavailability, and team goals, objectives and targets.

As many of the intermediate layers of management may no longer be required, clear plans for the utilization of such managers and administrative staff need to be made and communicated well in advance.

Staff will be encouraged to enter their work preferences and additional emergency contact details.

The quantum of change brought into the enterprise at the time when the Compass Business Suite is introduced is at the discretion of management, but success will depend on how much the organization and its present culture can readily digest.

The exact timing, sequence and resources for the implementation will need to be carefully worked out with your Compass Business Suite installer.



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