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Early Adopter Partners  

Early Adopter Partners

Early Adopter Partners are catalysts for diffusing the Compass Business Suite into each industry marketplace. One player in each industry has the opportunity of becoming an Early Adopter Partner with Compass Commercial.

Depending on the amount of CBS they choose to use, they may be granted exclusive rights within their industry and geographic area. This allows them to enjoy the benefits of CBS for a full six months, after which other industry players are permitted to adopt the system in their geographic area of operations.

Early Adopter Partners will have an advantage over competitors who are not using the Compass Business Suite, and are forced to wait a further six months.

The Compass Business Suite has the capacity to refine the rostering process and enhance communication channels in any medium to large company.

The result is increased revenues through a combination of reduced staff costs and increased productivity. The Compass Business Suite could be that extra edge that a company needs to maintain market leadership or break from their position as industry underdog.



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