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Implementation Services  

We'll Help You!

During the implementation phase, there is a lot of work to do. This has to be scoped, planned, driven and monitored continuously.

Fully trained and accredited, professional implementation consultants are available to assist the client enterprise to handle these project tasks, and provide a wealth of experience and expertise that may not be readily available within the enterprise itself.

These consultancy services are predominantly in the area of "systems installation and change management implementation". As such they are an important part of the overall successful implementation of the Compass Business Suite.

The implementation consultant can be involved in the following areas:
•  Communication, Education and Training, (CET) of senior management and the CMPT
•  collating seed data
•  review and assistance with the planning of the change management project
•  specific consultancy to the Marketing, Operations, or Human Resources departments to formulate their strategic vision or business intents
•  management facilitation and other consultancy services which the enterprise deems necessary to bring about a meaningful change to its culture and operational efficiency.

As Compass Business Suite can be implemented by the enterprise itself, with the guidance and assistance of fully trained and accredited management and IT consultants, the cost of implementation is held to a minimum.

Generally speaking, the implementation cost depends on what CBS functionality is going to be used. There is no minimum amount of CBS that the enterprise has to use, and no set pace at which it needs to be deployed.

This means that the implementation cost can be spread out over a longer period of time. It also means that the enterprise can allow longer for its management and staff to absorb the changes, discover all about the new found features of the product, and make the most of the benefits of each piece of functionality, before embarking on the implementation of the next component or tranche.

For most enterprises, the implementation project will require the establishment of an internal Change Management Project Team (CMPT) led by one or more experienced external consultants. The number of people involved will depend on the scale and speed of the implementation.



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Organizational Development Consultancy Services