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Business Planning & Records

Results from Productivity Rostering - Build Revenue  

The main way that the Compass Business Suite increases revenue is by helping to organize the marketing-driven culture and communication so that everyone in the enterprise knows what to do, when and with whom and for what objective or purpose.

By reaching this level of co-ordination and co-operation, customers are served better, products are more accurately provided, targeted & priced, and staff feel more energized to make the customer feel that they can buy exactly what they want and need.

For example, customer serving staff members would have been briefed by their supervisor before their shift, of any special customers they are expecting today. They would also have been briefed about any specials or new bundled products that they should be promoting. They would know about any special promotional activities that are planned for today and the precise co-ordination details of those events. This enables the staff member to add their own weight and style to promotion, selling, upselling, and cross-selling activities. Their responses to customers can now be fully informed and not ad-hoc.

Staff members are therefore in a better position to add value to the organization, by being able to provide specific feedback and critique of marketing promotions or any other department’s intention which affects their work on the floor in serving customers.



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