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About Compass Commercial Australia Staff Profiles

Management Profiles  

Compass Commercial's management has been selected for their knowledge, experience and ability to work as a team.

Compass staff have a creative yet professional approach to work. They tend to be multi-disciplined, friendly and sensible.

Their values include people as well as profits. They want to make a difference ... to the world. That's one of the reasons they choose to work at Compass Commercial.

Backgrounds vary and include:
• Psychology
• Commerce
• Mathematics
• Information Technology
• Accounting
• Science
• Engineering

Understanding where other people are coming from and focussing on their needs is central to our thinking. Our staff are not esoteric, arrrogant or self-interested. They facilitate issue resolution rather than give opinions. They share information and listen rather than use authority to get things done. Our staff tend to have a keen sense of proportion, history and value.

Their personal integrity and values make them really easy to work with and dependable in all situations.