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User Tutorials

It's not hard to get started with CBS. Here are a few important pointers.

  • After signing in, check your own name and ID details record and fill out any more details about your contact details, e-mail address, website, etc.
  • Create your own CATIP to capture your own notes for learning about CBS and the business processes you employ in doing your major functions at work.
  • Send someone you know an e-GRAM message and make an e-GRAM reminder for yourself.
  • Create a new record for your area of work - for instance if you work in asset management or preventative maintenance, create an asset record which is part of the asset management system.
    There are a number of ways CBS helps users get to their records fast for easy data maintenance and tracking.

  • CBS offers Filtered Search [FS] technology to get to your records fast. You can usually find and open one of your records in just a few seconds. Then you can add to it or modify it guided by the structured nature of the Data Entry Screens [DES].
  • Another advantage in CBS is that you can use e-GRAMs to guide you or your colleagues directly to a particular record in modify mode.
  • CBS also has special techniques for opening forms for particular users so they don't have to navigate to the relevant part of the system.
  • CBS has EASI Console for staff self-service technologies.
  • CBS has Work Flow technology for reminding staff exactly where they are up to in entering data and picking up on a process where they have left off.
    CBS has been designed with the user in mind. Most buttons allow the user to do their work in a simple and straight-forward way. For experienced users, CBS incorporates advanced techniques and functions in R-Click menus on those buttons where there may be faster ways to do things. This allows multiple ways to achieve the same ends and users can trial different ways to see what suits their methods and business processes best.

    For example, you can see a Table of Contents of Notes, Documents, Interactions, etc. in a specific "Personnel" binder of a particular staff member by R-Clicking the "People/LE" or "Contacts" buttons on the CBS Portal screen. Within 3 or 4 clicks &/or a few keystrokes [from the beginning] you have the record [eg forklift drivers license] open on your screen.

    Now that's quick!
