Key Benefits of CBS [Tour]

Business Planning & Records

Skills Audit

Productivity Rostering  

One of the key advantages of using CBS is that you can automate much of your Supervisory Management instruction, communication, organisation, paperwork and control.

Using the features of the SuperMan Application Module or the supurb SuperMan Plus automated functionality, enterprises with rosterable staff can now have much better rosters than they have ever had before.

These rosters can be reliably produced for every roster cycle with very little effort by supervisors or staff. They can be printed, ready to "post" on the wall and they can be viewed on-line, at any time, through kiosk touch screens or large management visual display screens.

If you only need a manual roster, it is easy to enter your shifts through SuperMan. On the other hand, if you want the convenience and optimisation of automated rostering, you can use SuperMan Plus, with its powerful and incredibly efficient engines, to work out the best fit person to assign to each role requirement, in the work schedule of tasks to be done.

Automated rostering saves management time and effort in making sure everything is running well. Supervisors don't have to perform the laborious task of manual rostering, all on paper or just using a spreadsheet program. Instead of supervisors having to tell staff when they are rostered, staff know instantly where they should be and what they should be doing.

For many, the most significant benefit is that staff work preferences are much more likely to be met.

However, the most substantial benefit to a large organisation is the potential of saving 5% or more of its staff cost, every day of every year. This one benefit alone can increase profit by 50% or more.

If your company is feeling the pinch lately, CBS could well turn your business economics around for the benefit of all.

The more that management cuts staff, without reducing wasteful practices such as inflexible rostering, idle time, insufficient multi-skilling, or departmental and team silos, the harder staff find they have to work, the more stress they feel and the more staff seem to suffer.

This leads to less real productivity, lower levels of staff satisfaction, more staff turnover and inability to retain your good experienced staff, and consequently, an overall poorer quality of customer service. CBS Productivity Rostering is an alternative way of reducing staff cost, turning the outcomes into upside benefits rather than downside compromises.

There are so many other benefits of CBS Rostering that only a demonstration will do it justice. If you are in an enterprise that rosters its staff, there is little doubt that life would be better and more productive with Compass. Why not give us a call to find out how you can get started. Its less costly than you think, indeed it is positively profitable! Just send us an e-mail or call +61 2 9880 8877.

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Skills Audit

Business Planning & Records

Key Benefits of CBS [Tour]