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Staff Benefits  

Why Staff Benefit from CBS

Finding benefits for staff that don't cost the company money is rare. Finding significant ones that staff think are really valuable is unusual. Finding ones that are motivational to staff is exciting. Finding ones that don't take extra time or effort out of the supervisor's day is fantastic. Finding a number of them that meet all the above criteria, and which come at no extra cost, is extraordinary.

Staff have long suffered the assertion that the company cannot afford to satisfy the work preferences of individual employees. Now CBS provides an excellent way of doing just that.

Staff have waited a long time for their employers to deal with individual career planning and prospects. Now CBS provides a meaningful and motivational way of doing just that.

Staff have waited a long time for their employers to deal with individual career planning and prospects. Now CBS provides a meaningful and motivational way of doing just that looking realistically at their aptitudes and potential.

Staff have often lost hope that their employers would provide substantial learning goals that tied into their individual career plans and prospects. Now CBS provides a straight-forward and practical way of doing just that and tracking their after-training behaviour and performance.

Staff often have negative attitudes to the culture of their companies and workplaces. There has been very little consistency in the organisational culture and the way management handles issues of which staff are aware. Now CBS provides a way to fundamentally shift management thinking and the way they do things.

Staff often receive negative feedback rather than positive. And what they do hear is very general, lacking in specifics. Supervisors find it too hard and time consuming to appraise each staff member's performance on every shift. Now CBS provides a way to fundamentally change that syndrome ... for the better.



Work Preferences

Career Plans

Learning Goals

Cultural Consistency

Performance Appraisals & Feedback

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