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CBS Help - Scheduling Preventative Maintenance  

How To Schedule Preventative Maintenance

BEFORE YOU START make sure your Profile settings are correct.
[see how to do this by using the link to CBS Help - Scheduling Settings]

PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE Step-by-Step Scheduling - the manual approach

Schedule the Job

1. How to create a Job

On Job Scheduler [JSCH]:
1.1. Press the 'Step-by-Step' button;
Note: The LoV only presents Maint Reqmts that have a Date Due and/or have a previously completed Job.
1.2. Select the required Maint Reqmt;

Note: This creates the Job and presents the Job Details DES on screen as a 'Pre-record' [more... about Job/Work Status], automatically filled with data from the Process, Asset and Maint Reqmt.

On Job Details DES
1.3. Check the information and alter it if necessary (it should rarely be necessary to alter this information);
1.4. Scroll down to enter information about Budget, Planning, and Approvals
Note: It is rare for a preventative maintenance Job to be connected as part of a Project, however the "Project" button should be used to record that linkage where appropriate.
Note: If, for some reason, you get to this stage then decide that the Job is not needed, it can be discarded by pressing the 'Discard' button.
1.5. Press Save.
Note: This will save the information enterd on the Job Details form and change the record status to 'Pro-forma' [more...].
1.6. Press the '<' button on the left hand side bar to close the Job Details DES and go to the Job Control Sheet [JCS].

2. How to ensure all work is scheduled that will complete the Job
On the JCS:
Note: The JCS displays an overview of the details entered on the Job Details.
2.1. Select the Work Item and press the 'Go' button to modify details of the Work Item that was automatically created.
2.2. Press 'Create' to create an additional Work Item;
Note: Create seperate Work Items if:

  • a different Craft/Role is required to do a piece of work;
  • a different person or contractor is required;

  • 2.2. Press the lower '>' button on the side bar to store any Electronic Documents [EDs] that are relevant to the Job.

    Note: The Works Job and the Work Item/s have now been created and the work is ready to be assigned.

    Assign, Issue and Print the Work Order

    3. How to Assign people to do the work ...

    From the JCS:
    3.1. Select the Work Item to be assigned and press the 'Go' button

    From the JSCH:
    3.1. Search for the Job/s to be assigned;
    Note: [more... about JSCH FS].

    On Work Item Details:
    Note: The Work Item is automatically filled with details from the process, asset and Maint Reqmt.
    3.2. Review/enter any details that need to be changed;
    Note: While it is not absolutely essential for every field on the Work Item to be filled, it is still wise to ensure that any fields that have been filled in are correct (for this particular WO) and that any fields used to present data for reports are filled. This way, no-one will get the wrong information or impression about what actually needs to be done - or in the future, what was done].
    3.3. Press the ‘Update’ button;
    Note: This action creates the next Due Date according the the cycle on the asset.
    3.4. Press the ‘Authorise’ button and complete the authorisation (if authorisation is done on behalf of a Manager);
    3.5. Scroll to the covering letter field [under 'Who's involved] and type a covering letter (if desired);
    Note: This will print out on the Work Order and especially useful for work assigned to contractors and created as an e-mail.
    3.6. Press the ‘Assign’ button then select the person who will do the work
    Note: This action turns the Work Item into a Work Order and changes the record status to 'Official' [more... about Job Status].
    3.7. Press the ‘Done’ button to save the WO and close the form.

    Note: The assignment of the WO is now complete, however the WO still needs to be issued. This can be done at the same time or at some later date (whatever the business process requires).

    4. How to Issue and Print the WO ...
    Note: In CBS a WO can be issued independent to it being printed. The act of issuing changes the status of the Job from 'Scheduled' to 'Work in Progress'. Because the printing of the WO would normally be done about the same time as issuing, this has been incorporated into the L-Click on the 'Issue' button and the R-Click provides other options.
    On te Work Item:
    4.1. R-Click the 'Issue' button and select the 'Print Options';
    4.2. Select the options required for printing or sending this particular WO, then press the 'Close' button; [more... about WO print options]
    Note: An e-mail will automatically be addressed to the recipient (provided their e-mail address is in CBS). If needed, the e-mail can be modified to suit business purposes/standards.
    4.3. Press the 'Issue' button;
    Note: the PDF or e-mail will generate and present on your screen, however, you need to make sure your computer will accept a 'pop-up' from the CBS site. [more...about internet pop-ups]
    4.4. Review, print and close the pop-up window.
    Note: If there is a change that needs to be made, close the pop-up, make the change then press the 'Reissue' button.
    4.5. Press the 'Done' button to save and close the WO.
    TIP: Use the 'Save' button regularly during the process to ensure changes are saved as you work through the process.

    Note: Now the WO is assigned, issued, printed and the person performing the work has clear understanding about what to do. When they have completed the work, they will fill in the Work Docket Return [WDR] with details about what's happened - they should be encouraged to write up all/any detail. The next step in CBS is to capture the information that is written on the WDR.

    How to Schedule Preventative Maintenance where the previous Job has not been completed

    Note: This is basically the same as the manual approach to scheduling
    On JSCH:1. R-Click the Step-by-Step button;
    2. Select the option 'Schedule Routine Maint where Job is not completed';
    Note: This presentes a LoV
    Follow instrcutions for Step-by-Step Scheduling.

    PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE Fast Track Scheduling - the automated approach

    Note: All the pre-requisites for automated scheduling must be in place. [more...about automated scheduling consitions]
    How to Schedule using Fast Track
    From the JSCH:
    1. Press the End-to-End button;
    Note: If an OU has been nominated on the Maint Reqmt, a person must belong to that OU before the Maint Reqmt will be presented. The person may either have an OUP that belongs to the OU or be made a Member of the OU.
    2. Establish the Authoriser of the work (it is rarely the Administrator and is more likely to be the Manager)

  • R-Click on the Default Setting for the 'Authoriser';
  • Select 'Change Authoriser';
  • Select, from the LoV presented, the name of the actual person/Manager who is authorising the work to be done
    3. Press the 'Proceed' button;
    4. Read through and check that the details of the Maint Reqmt are correct;
    Note: Maint Reqmt's are presented on screen one by one and the User can choose to schedule or skip each one.
    5. Select the checkbox for the WO format;
    Note: current functionality only provides the PDF format which is pre-selected.
    6. Press the 'Schedule' button;
    Note: If a specific party has not been nominated to do the work, a USN Caution is presented that allows the User to go back and skip the scheduling of the item or to select a party.
    7. Press 'Select';
    8. Select an Assignee;
    Note: the first scheduling instance will take a few moments to produce the WO as CBS needs to open a seperate package that performs this action - but following the first record, it will only take an instant.
    9. Check the details of the successfully issued WO that are presented on screen;
    Note: If any details need changing, this can be done later by going to the JSCH and performing a FS for the WO# and modifying it (for easy searching, make a note of the number).
    10. Press 'Next Item';
    11. Continue this process, scheduling or skipping items until the scheduling is completed.
    Note: If an item is 'Skipped', a USN Caution is presented that allows the User to return to the item to schedule it or to proceed to the next item.
    12. When all items are scheduled, press the 'Finish' button.
    13. Check the summary of the scheduling session as a reminder of incompleted items;
    14. Press the 'Close' button.
    Note: The Scheduling Control & Status is re-presented containing the Job # and WO # of all items scheduled. This is the only opportunity to obtain a list of items (if needed for some reason) dealt with in this session (take a screen shot or do a print screen
    15. Press the 'Close' button;
    The Fast Track scheduling is completed.
    Note: The session can be ended at any time by pressing the 'Quit' button. If this occurs, the next session will present any non-scheduled items together with any new items due in the (new) scheduling period.
    Note: In addition to using the End-to-End button, Prevent Maint can also be scheduled by using a R-Click option on the Step-by-Step button.

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