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CBS Help - Assets & Facilities  

Management of Assets, Facilities and Equipment

The following information/help is provided for registered users of CBS.
It includes how to:
[A] Enter and modify assets;
[B] Enter and modify the processes required for maintenance of assets;
[C] Link the relevant process/es to each asset (that enables a Work Order to be generated).
Note: Notes are provided to give Users additional helpful information.

Before you start, you should determine:

  • The extent of information to record. Unless you intend to use CBS as your asset register, you need only to record those assets on which maintenance is required;

  • What maintenance processes / procedures need to be carried out on each asset;
  • The timing required for that process to be carried out on that asset (the maintenance cycle, deadline and leadtime etc);
  • Under what conditions you will want to be able to retreive sets of asset records at a later date.


    Note: Before starting to create assets, if there is a chance that there will be several assets that are similar, create a "Standard Record" then use that as the template to create instances for each actual asset. The information entered on the Standard Record will be generic, but this will be a helpful and time saving start when creating assets.

    * * * * * * * * * *
    1. Here's how to enter a new Standard Record ['template']...

    >> Compass Portal >> Assets
    1.1. R-Click on the Create button and select "Standard Record";

    >> Details tab:
    1.2. Enter the name of the asset;
    Note: there are several versions of Asset Names and it is important to fill in each version as these are used for various searches and text displays. You should use standardised wording for clarity. You should use abbreviations (except in the case of the Full Name) to ensure that the text string in the Common Name, Abbreviated Name and Nick Name is as short as possible and can consequently be effectively viewed in searches or LoV's where it is used.

    1.3 Enter the Mnemonic;
    Note: The Mnemonic is compulsory and ensures the record has a unique CBS identification code. The mnemonic for a Standard Record should always end with a "00"; & when creating the asset, be aware that "00" should always be reserved for a Standard Record.

    1.4. Select what 'Kind' of asset it is;
    Note: this is compulsory & is the start of the process of classifying the asset;

    1.5. Enter all available numbers (model, registration, serial numbers).

    >> Desc tab:
    1.6. Enter generic Specification, Description and Typical Application and Recommended Usage Capacity; Duty Cycle and Exected Life;

    >> Maintenance tab:
    1.7. Select the "+" button and when presented with the LOV [List of Values], filter and select the applicable Maintenance Process.
    Note: If the Process does not display in the LoV, you should check the conditional requirements of a Process before it can be used as a Maintenance Requirement [link to be established]

    >> Maintenance Requirement DES: (this opens automatically)
    1.8. Set the parameters required for the routine maintenance cycle (frequency of maintenance; deadline; leadtime);
    Estimated Duration and Travel can be bought in from the Process [if entered there] by pressing the "Update" button.

    >> Supplr tab:
    1.9. Select the Supplier;
    Note: If the supplier is not currently in CBS, use the 'N' button to create a new supplier;

    1.10. Enter any Manufacturer's Instructions;

    1.11. Enter any Supplier Instructions;

    1.12. Enter any Installation Notes;

    1.13. Enter any Delivery Instructions;

    1.14. Enter any Warranty / Guarantee Notes.

    >> Type tab:
    1.15. Select options from the drop-down lists.
    Note: This classification of assets is used to be able to group 'like' assets together and enables assets to be found in searches relative to what the assets are, what they are used for and how they are maintained.

    >> Binders tab:
    1.16. See seperate item on how to use Binders [Link to be established]

    >> Cntrl tab:

    1.17. Change the status to reflect the degree of completion of the Standard Record;
    Note: For an asset to be utilised in the job Scheduling process, the status must be 'Official'. However, if the status is 'Signed Off Official' the record will not be able to be modified. Choosing 'Live Update Official' allows modification to continue but still enables the asset to have jobs scheduled.

    1.18. Change the entity who has authority over this Record.
    Note: To enable effective searches of assets and Job Scheduling to take place effectively, this should be allocated to the OU having control over the asset.

    Note: A "Notes" field has been provided where information can be made about the record. This is an ideal place to record information about the status of the CBS record (as opposed to anything to do with the physical asset) and could contain information about the completeness of the data captured, even though the record status could have been made "Official.
    Note: As soon as the record is saved, it will display who created the item and who last modified it.

    1.19. Select the 'OK' button to save all changes in the record and close the form.

    A Standard Record has now been created and can be used to form the basis of any number of assets.

    * * * * * * * * * *
    2. Here's how to create a new asset based on a Standard Record...

    >>Compass Portal >>Assets
    2.1. Search for the existing Standard Record and select/highlight it;

    2.2. R-Click on the 'Create' button and select the 'Asset using Standard Record' option;
    Note: This creates a new asset record and fills it with details from the Standard Record, ready to be modified with the details for the particular asset to be recorded.

    >>Details Tab:
    2.3. Make changes to reflect this specific asset instance in the Mnemonic [A Standard Record ends in "00", so the first instance would end in "01"];

    2.4. Check that the 'Kind' is correct (if it is not, either the Standard Record is incorrect or this asset should not be based on this model);

    2.5. Change the different versions of the Asset Name to reflect the asset being recorded;

    2.6. Enter the Home Base Location of the item
    Note: this is the usual location at which the asset 'resides'; think about whether the Current Location is the same - this may be different to the Home Base location if the item has been moved for repair or put to use in some other location;

    2.7 Enter the Asset Number and any other reference, registration, model and serial number to be recorded;

    >> Desc Tab:
    2.8. Change the Specification, Description and Typical Application (if different from the model information)- ie each asset may have different information; and check the Usage information (Duty Cycle & Expected Life);

    >> Cmpnts Tab:
    2.9. If the asset is a component of another asset, select the checkbox then press the 'abc' button and filter the LOV to select the parent of the asset;

    >> Status Tab:
    2.10. Select the asset status.

    2.11. Enter the date from which the asset will be/has been usable;

    2.12. Select whether the asset is usable [Y/N];

    2.13. Enter installation notes or other comments (if required).

    >> Maintenance Tab:
    2.14. Check the processes coming from the model and make adjustments as necessary. Select the "+" button to add processes; Select the "-" to remove processes;

    2.15. Select/highlight each process and select the "M" button to go and check to maintenance cycle information.

    >> Maintenance Requirement DES:
    2.16. Type in any special procedural instructions that apply only to this asset;
    2.17. Check the parameters loaded from the model which allows auto calculation of the maintenance due date.

  • The Maintenance cycle is the period between which the maintenance procedure is undertaken;

  • The Deadline is added to the cycle to indicate the maximum period allowable before the job must, for some reason, be carried out;

  • Leadtime is a guide which indicates how far in advance the scheduling must be done;

  • Estimated Duration and Estimated Travel is loaded from the process and is the guide to how long it would take to actually carry out the work under normal conditions.
    Note: If an asset requires a new process to be written, follow the procedures for Creating a New Process (if you do not have the privileges to do this, contact the person responsible for this task).

    2.18. Enter the date the maintenance is due to be carried out;
    Note: This is calculated from the installation date so if this has not been entered, either go back to the Status tab and enter it; or type the date the process was last performed into the 'Due Date' field;

    2.19. Press the "Auto" button to specify the date of the next cycle [R-Click for different options].

    >> Owner Tab:
    2.20. Select the Holding Type (if required) and enter any Reference Documents or Numbers (eg Insurance Policy information);

    2.21. Select the Legal Owner;

    2.22. Specify the acquisition date;

    2.23. Enter/Change the Custodian of the asset and the date they became custodian [R-Click for options];
    Note: The 'Custodian' is the entity actually in control of the asset (which may or may not be different to the control of its maintenance or control over the asset record).

    >> Supplr Tab:
    2.24. Select the Supplier name;
    Note: If the supplier's name is not in the list, select the "N" button to easity and quickly create a new entity.

    2.25. Enter relevant Dates that the asset was ordered, delivered, returned (if an issue arose);

    2.26. Check/change notes in regard to Manufacturer's Instructions, Supplier's Instructions, Delivery Instructions, Installation Notes, Delivery Instructions and Warranty/Guarantee Notes.

    >> Type Tab:
    2.27 Check/change options about what the asset is, what it is used for and how it is maintained.
    Note: Contact the CBS System Administrator to have new values made available.

    >> Files tab:
    See seperate item on how to use Files [Link to be installed]

    >> Log tab:
    Ignore this during the set-up, this will display historical information.

    >> Cntrl Tab:
    2.28. Change the status to reflect the degree of cmpletion of the asset;
    Note: The asset will not be able to be used for scheduling work until the status is 'Official'.

    2.29. Check/change who has authority over the Asset record in CBS
    Note: Recommendation is to use the OU so that more than 1 person is able to make changes.

    Warning Note: An Asset Record has an 'Update' button which, when pressed, will update all fields marked '[AUF]' [Automatically Updatable Field] in the prompt. Consider this carefully as, if this occurs, the data in the Asset record will be overwritten with data from the Standard Record.

    The asset has now been created and, dependng upon the status, can be used in CBS to Schedule Jobs and create Work Orders.

    * * * * * * * * * *
    3. Here's how to create a new asset not based on a Model Spec...

    Go to: >> Compass Portal >> Assets
    3.1. Search to check that the Facility does not already exist;

    3.2. Select "Instance";
    Note: Following this, the steps are similar to those used to create an Asset from a Model Spec but all details will need to be entered.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Note: A Collection is used when a Works Job needs to be created for more than one component asset (eg, an inspection needs to be done on all roads in a particular area). The User creates a Work Order for the collection asset [so that all component assets are listed on face of the Work Order].
    4. Here's how create Collections...
    4.1 Create the 'Collection' asset by selecting 'Collection' in the 'Kind' field on the Details Tab;
    4.2 For each Asset belonging to the Collection, go to the 'Components' Tab and to the field asking 'Is this Asset a Member of a Collection?', select 'Y' then choose the appropriate Collection Asset.

    Note: Any number of procedures may apply to a given asset. Each procedure is created seperately and linked to each asset where it applies. When the maintenance schedule is being done, information from the procedure is automatically pulled in to the Work Order (a great time-saver which ensures that everyone involved understands what needs to be done).

    Note: Three versions of a procedure may be required in a business, they are:
  • a brief 'checklist' type procedure - this is what appears on the Work Order and is captured on >> Point Tab >> Particulars Field;

  • full details of a procedure (for training new staff or refreshing existing staff) which is captured on >> Items Tab;

  • general information about the procedure that could be displayed to external parties (external contractors, rate payers, review committee etc.) which is captured on >> B'cast Tab.

  • One or all of these options can be used.

    * * * * * * * * * *
    1. Here's how to enter a new Maintenance Process/Procedure...

    Go to: >> Compass Portal >> CORRIDOR™
    Note: Documentation of processes is just one of the many uses of the CORRIDOR™.
    Note: Always check to make sure a procedure does not already exist.
    Note: Select the 'Save' button and save regularly as the process is developed (suggestion: save as each tab is completed).

    1.1. Press Create;

    1.2. Select the CATIP option for 'Process/Procedure';

    >> Point tab:
    1.3. Enter the name of the procedure;

    1.4. Select/Enter the Topic;
    Note: This is the high level name of the procedure.

    1.5. Enter the Outcome Sought;

    1.6. Enter the steps required for the particular procedure (this is the procedure that will print out on the Work Order).

    >> Cap Tab:
    1.7. Select the Role/Craft;
    Note: The Craft required for the procedure is displayed on the Work Order. If the Craft/Role does not exist, a new one can be created - if you do not have the rights to create a Role, call the CBS Administrator to have one created.

    >> Facts tab:
    1.8. Enter information about the following things which are needed for the Work Order:

  • Work Item Resource - Will the work be done by In-House resources or Out-Sourced?
    Note: Spelling and formatting of these options must be exactly as shown in the field heading;
  • Estimated hours it would take for this procedure to be carried out under normal circumstances (only enter a number);
  • Estimated hours to travel to and from the job (only enter a number);
  • Any downtime that will be incurred (eg while waiting for some other activity to take place before work can continue);
  • Parts that will be required;
  • Tools that will be needed to carry out the work;
  • Special Instructions that may not be part of the actual procedural steps;
  • Materials that will be required;
  • Special Tools that may be needed (that probably would not be available unless specially arranged)
  • Plant & Equipment that needs to be hired;
  • Notes about any other issue.

  • >> Ref Tab >> Vault Button:
    Note: Electronic documents [EDs] that specifically relate to the process can be stored in the CBS Vault. If the document is paper based it first needs to be scanned so that an electronic version is available to store.
    1.9. Press the 'Store' button, locate the document on your computer/network and double-click on it; then select/highlight it and enter the ED Date/Time and type any comments into the Details field;

    1.10. Press the 'Close' button;

    >> Rights Tab:
    1.11. Select other OU's, Positions, People who should be able to view and modify the procedure;
    1.12. Additional entries can be made by using the "+" button, selecting the type of entity; searching for 1 or more entities and selecting the 'Return' button to return the chosen entity to the process.
    Note: see separate notes on how to allocate Rights in a CATIP [Link to be installed].

    >> Ctrl Tab:
    1.13. Select 'Live Update' in the Status field;
    Note: The status must be set to 'Official' if the procedure is to be used in the Job Scheduling process or to be viewable on the Alpha Page.

    >> Links Tab:
    1.14. If the procedure is part of a whole process, press the 'Fetch' button to link it to other relevant CATIPs [see separate CATIP Help item - Link to be installed];

    >> Classification Tab:
    1.11. Press the 'Fetch' button to classify the CATIP in certain ways which is the most powerful way of finding information in the CORRIDOR™ FS.

    Note: For detailed use about how to use the CORRIDOR™, refer to CBS Help - CORRIDOR™ [Link to be installed]

    The process/procedure is now ready to be used in the preventative maintenance program.

    * * * * * * * * * *
    2. Here's how to modify an existing Maintenance Procedure...

    Note: Before modifying a procedure, carefully consider this action. If the changes have major implications, it is suggested that the existing procedure be maintained for reference and so that Work Orders that have been completed maintain the information about what was actually done.
    A better action would be to duplicate the procedure and modify the copy according to the new requirements then archive the original.

    Go to: >> Compass Portal >> CORRIDOR™

    2.1. Search for the procedure, select/highlight & press the "Modify" button;

    2.2. Make minor changes according to the new requirements.

    * * * * * * * * * *
    3. Here's how to duplicate an existing Maintenance Procedure...

    3.1. Search for the procedure to be dupicated, select/highlight & press "Duplicate";

    Note: This will only duplicate parts of the CATIP. R-Click to be able to duplicate all details (if this option is chosen, take care to check information on all tabs).

    3.2. Select whether to include the same links as apply to the original;

    3.3. Change the Name (if necessary - depending on what the circumstances are), Version & Date;

    3.4. Modify the procedural steps as required.

  • Electronic Documents [ED's] stored in the Vault of the original procedure will not be captured with this CATIP;

  • The Status on the Control tab will appear as Work In Progress - this will need to be changed to "Official" if the process is to be used for PMP.

  • All the set up has now been done. The asset has been created, the maintenance processes have been captured, the process/es have been linked to the asset, the cycle and the date the next time the process needs to be carried out on the asset has been specified.

    Now it's time to do your 'normal' work. Go to the section on CBS Help - Scheduling Routine Maintenance. [Link to be installed]

    [C] Link the Relevant Process/es to each Asset

    * * * * * * * * * *
    1. Here's how to link an asset to an existing Maintenance Procedure...

    Note: Before linking a procedure, carefully consider the steps and other data that will be carried forward into the Work Item.
    Note: This process is described in Item # 2.18 (above) [Link to be installed]

    Go to: >> Compass Portal >> Assets >> Maint tab

    1.1. Select the process and relevant procedure from the list [LOV]

    1.2. Enter the Cycle, Deadline, Leadtime, Due Date, Estimated Duration according to business requirements [taking into account manufacturer's recommendations, warranty conditions, supplier guidance, service personnel track record and experience, and operating conditions].

    Your input is valuable to us...
    If you have queries or if you have comments about CBS Help or maybe you would like to share ideas that would be useful for other CBS Users, please contact us at this e-mail address -

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