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Compass at Present

Future of Compass Commercial   

Compass Commercial's mission is to make a significant difference to the world through improving management communications and workplace culture. In a nutshell: commitment to bringing about
… a better way of (business) life.

To bring Compass Business Suite into being has required its founders to dedicate much of their lives to the cause. It is significant that the staff of a commercial enterprise have put so much effort into creating the means to share their combined know-how and methodology.

Compass Commercial's road ahead requires hard work, risk, effort and commitment … but not without the reward of satisfaction and further involvement!

As we guide Compass through this marketing growth phase, we recognize the need for support from organizational development professionals, management consultants and the financial industry. Indeed, without the alignment of managers in every client enterprise, the vision cannot be realized.

It is clear that for Compass Business Suite to be fully effective, staff in our client enterprises have to be involved and interested. Without their positive feedback and word of mouth testimonials, Compass Commercial will find the going, pretty tough.
We intend to engage people from all walks of life and at every business level in the spirit and understanding of how Compass can assist in making the working world a better place.

Compass Commercial will establish research programs and user competitions to encourage this engagement and support.

Compass Commercial would like ultimately, to install the Compass Business Suite in every industry, offering it on every continent across the world, changing 'Business Life' as we know it today.

Where clients use the Compass Business Suite effectively, management and staff should work more effectively and enjoyably together, producing better outcomes for all stakeholders, encouraging greater co-operation and reducing much of the adversarial atmosphere present in their enterprise.

This is the reputation that Compass Commercial is looking for.

It is a stated intention of the Compass Commercial family, that we want to grow to be large enough to influence corporate trends in the way communications are handled and how staff are treated.
We would like to see regulators and legislators come to understand the benefits of the Compass approach, then turn that understanding into action by providing legislative support to encourage good work practices and values.

It is hoped that labor unions and shareholder groups alike will get to know what the Compass Business Suite is and what it can do, so that the Compass Commercial family can work together with their individual and collective support in bringing cultural and operational change to the workplace in general.

One of the key objectives which is consistent with the Compass mission, is to take the Compass Business Suite to Aid and Caring agencies around the world.

The application of Compass Business Suite should enable such Aid and Caring agencies to become more effective and be able to communicate throughout their organizations with greater strategic clarity and consistency.

This way, Compass Commercial can be of benefit to those who are most needy.

It is in doing this that those involved in Compass feel that they can make the most significant contribution.



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A Word from the CEO