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The CORRIDOR™ is one of the five underlying "built-for-purpose" CBS technologies.

The name CORRIDOR™ is an acronym meaning "Corporate Organisation Repository of Reference Information, Detailed Operations and Responsibilities".

As such it is the place that records all information about the past (history), the present (situation) and the future (intentions).

The CORRIDOR™ has been specifically designed to make it easy to record facts, ideas, intentions and plans ... and a lot, lot more.

It is the cornerstone technology of CBS Business Planning which is set to revolutionise how business managers operate.

• How they capture their own thinking and reasoning.

• How they share that information with their colleagues.

• How they review, refine or add value to the ideas and plans of their direct reports.

• How they build understanding and confidence in others and lead teams.

• How they ensure everything their team is going to do makes sense and fits together to form an integrated set of team activities all serving the same goals, all serving the same purpose.

• How they gain greater clarity.

CATIPs [Catalogue Item Points]

CATIPs are the "container" records which hold all the information in the CORRIDOR™. Taken as a whole, they allow intents and issues to be structured and linked together in a "relevance" network. This structured repository provides unexpected insights and clarity about:
* what's going on;
* what's possible;
* what matters; and
* what's got to be done.
CORRIDOR™ Reports and Slide Shows provide all the who, what, where, when and why are available via storyboarding straight out of the database.

A brief look at the interface technology is all that it takes to see how useful it is, especially for managers at any level of the organisation. Just call us to arrange a demonstration in our offices, or we can send out a CD and do it over the phone.