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Implementation/ Consultancy/ Support [Tour]  

Help when you need it!

At Compass Commercial we are very aware that the value your enterprise derives from using Compass Business Suite will be directly proportional to the quality of the design, strategic planning and change management injected in the implementation of the product.

Many years of consulting experiece shows that any product such as Compass Business Suite, should be implemented by the enterprise itself, with the guidance and assistance of fully trained and accredited management and IT consultants.

There is no set amount of the Compass Business Suite, which the enterprise has to implement, and because it is fully modularised, there is no set pace at which it needs to be done.

Consultancy Services

There are several types of consultancy services that are likely to be useful in differing circumstances. These include:
•  strategic gap analysis and planning
•  organizational design and structuring
•  organizational development consultancy services
•  systems installation and change management implementation
•  systems integration
•  tailoring business processes and procedures
•  team development, coaching and mentoring
•  functional development in selcted areas of the business including Marketing, Human Resources, Operations, Project Management, Committees and Taskforces

Where professional consultants are engaged, most of these services should be provided by the one team. This improves the alignment and integration of the outcomes.

Accordingly, the extent of Compass Business Suite functionality that is to be implemented will largely determine the amount and type of consulting support required.

The professional implementation consultant can add significant value to the enterprise by:
•  working with management and staff as they absorb the changes
•  helping management to discover all about the features of the product
•  assisting users to make the most of the benefits of each piece of functionality
•  planning the roll out of each component or tranche of Compass Business Suite
•  assisting the enterprise to mount their own Change Management Project Team (CMPT)
•  providing Communication, Education and Training, (CET) for senior management and the CMPT
•  providing any assistance required in collating seed data
•  review and assistance with the planning of the change management project
•  specific consultancy to the Marketing, Operations, or Human Resources departments to formulate their strategic vision or business intents
•  other consultancy services which the enterprise deems necessary to bring about a meaningful change to its culture and operational efficiency.
•  mentoring specific managers and teaching all levels of management how to get the best out of the time and cost spent on working with external consultants.

Demonstration and Evaluation

Here's what we offer:

  • We don't want you to spend any more time than necessary to evaluate our software or services. Our consultants are trained to provide a meaningful demonstration of CBS that is fully relevant to your business situation.
  • If you like what you see, we will install CBS on trial and load your seed data so your managers can fully evaluate it, operating live in situ.
  • When you are happy to proceed, we will tailor a financial package to ensure you get the best value for your money and still stay within your IT budget.


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