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Requests, Inquiries & Complaints Handling  

How well do you handle complaints?

Effectively capture and track requests, inquiries and complaints using the CBS Requests, Inquiries & Complaints Handling [RICH] system.

... ever wished your work colleagues would make notes about their conversations with customers or complainants?

... wouldn’t your job be easier if you knew the background, what had been said or agreed with your customers/complainants?

... does your memory fail when attempting to recall details of what's taken place?

... are you newly appointed to your position/role but can’t get the gist of what’s happened in the past?

If you answered yes to any one of these, read on for more information about CBS RICHs.

For your enterprise:

  • promotes the right image [as effective, responsible & responsive];

  • engages & connects with your customers/clients, whoever they may be;

  • facilitates effective communication with each stakeholder.

  • For your staff:
  • a streamlined method of information capture, access and sharing;

  • a way of satisfying audit requirements [safety standards & reporting compliance];

  • an effective way of dealing with legal issues and regulations [vicarious liability / duty of care].

    Your Staff:

  • Customer Service Officers [CSO’s] - ‘front-line’ employees who deal verbally (face-to-face or by telephone) with your customer/complainant;

  • Mail Room Officers [MRO’s] - employees who deal with written correspondence (on paper or in electronic format) from your customer/complainant;

  • Actioning Officers [AO’s] - employees who carry out actions required to deal with issues;

  • Case Managers [CM's] - employees who take responsiblity for (or manage) a specific category of work - they make sure the interaction to properly dealt with, they may also be an AO or they identify who should be the AO;
  • Responsible Officers [RO's] - fill a similar role as a CM but may not have responsibility for a category of work;

  • Customer Service Manager [CSM] - the Manager of the CSO (if that is a dedicated department) and may undertake a reporting function for Senior Managers. (Not all businesses will have a CSM.)

  • Senior Managers - the Heads of Department who and take ultimate responsibility for the work being carried out effectively and efficiently by managing the performance of their staff.

  • External to your enterprise:
  • Customers/ Complainants of all types [members of the public, targetted customers];

  • Other seekers of information [Government, Groups, Business / Industry].
  • WHAT HAPPENS (interactions initiated verbally):

  • Identifies the caller [confirming contact information];

  • Captures the issue [using phrasebook technology];

  • Identifies the issue [Work Category and Subject Matter];

  • Sends an alert to the CM/RO;

  • May send an acknowledgement to the caller.
  • THE CM/RO:

  • Picks up responsibility for getting the job completed;

  • Plans and documents the actions to be carried out [things to be done];

  • Nominates AO's (including themselves);

  • Can create a Works Job if required;

  • Ensures communication is made to the caller;

  • Tracks the work being done and ensures the issue is followed through to completion;
  • THE AO

  • Carries out action/s required;
  • Records what's been done for each action;

  • Stores (in CBS) any documents created as a consequence of the actions being carried out;

  • Manages the CSO (especially in a Call Centre environment);

  • Checks work volumes & statistics;

  • Reports according to Regulatory requirements.

  • Manages the AO's in their Department;
  • Tracks issues and reviews work quality;

  • If there is no CSM, checks work volumes & statistics; and reports according to Regulatory requirements.

  • WHAT HAPPENS (interactions initiated in writing):

  • Logs receipt of communique;

  • Sends an alert to the AO;

  • Sends acknowledgement to the writer.
  • THE AO

  • Accepts or rejects the job;

  • Plans the action [things to be done];

  • Records all work in a Job Log [storing EDs and outcomes];

  • Communicates with the caller;

  • Archives the Job.

  • Tracks progress;

  • Reviews quality;

  • Checks work volumes & statistics;

  • Reports according to Regulatory requirements.
  • Note: this functionality is supported by the Document Management system.



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    How CBS Works for You