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Corporate Culture at Compass

What is CBS?  

In a Nutshell ...

Compass Business Suite (CBS) is a revolutionary Enterprise Management System.

The modularized functionality of Compass Business Suite includes:

  • a repository of all types of business management and operational intent
  • two-way structured communication between all levels of management, operational teams and individual staff members
  • product and marketing definition, planning and promotion co-ordination
  • a capabilities database and assessment centre for all staff
  • highly efficient scheduling of work, jobs and projects
  • automated rostering of all types of staff, committees and taskforces [taking specific staff preferences and family needs into account]
  • career planning, succession planning, and staff appraisals.

CBS controls staff activity and communications right across the Enterprise. Whether it be Marketing, Operations or Human Resources, CBS comes loaded with industry-specific:

  • Business Processes;
  • Referential Seed Data;
  • Organizational Policies; and
  • pre-defined Skill Sets, Capabilities and Responsibilities of typical staff.

What CBS does

CBS helps the user plan, communicate, manage, research and learn. It provides full functionlity for:

  • a corporate repository or library of information
  • files for people, organisation units, positions, projects, taskforces, committees, case management, assets, etc.
  • fast secure web access to sensitive data
  • correspondence and document management
  • asset management
  • people management
  • career planning
  • succession planning
  • roles, job descriptions, responsibilities and candidate profiles
  • projects, taskforces, committees and the respective tasks or steps
  • selection criteria, best fit and gap analysis
  • performance management
  • messaging
  • workflow
  • work schedules
  • rosters and timesheets
  • assessment / training needs analysis
  • surveys and tagging
  • many other interfaces for each type of work or process performed in a business.

It does this by storing detailed information about people, organisation, jobs, capabilities, assets, processes, work, and timelines in a completely integrated way. Each type of information is further broken down into sub-groups and so on allowing the user to drill for information whereever desired.

For example, just taking the information about people that CBS stores, the breadth and depth of information is very extensive. It includes:

  • staff, customers, suppliers, members, students, etc.
  • individuals - people, pets, fictitious characters, etc.
  • groups - companies, government bodies, institutions [eg educational or health], societies, associations, political parties, religious groups, charities, partnerships, joint ventures, trusts, etc.
  • connections between people and between individuals and groups
  • contacts and locations
  • attributes of people [eg capabilities, accredited roles, preferences, tags, etc.]
  • etc..

Key Outcomes and Applicability:

  • reduces wasted staff time and numbers
  • helps to fine-tune the capabilities of the labour force to the exact needs of the enterprise on each task
  • enhances leadership, management efficiency and effectiveness
  • improves staff productivity, satisfaction and retention
  • increases enterprise flexibility using existing staff and facilities, whether it's creating and delivering new product and bundling; better cross-selling and up-selling; or simply broadening the enterprise's marketing base. more ...

CBS produces greater alignment between divisions, departments, management and staff. It provides clarity of purpose, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities for each individual within the enterprise.

As a new breed of enterprise management system, Compass Business Suite has been specifically designed to produce a uniformly consistent culture throughout the enterprise, which is easy to maintain. Its architecture is highly compatible with other enterprise systems and provides new levels of cross-functional management and executive information.

Using Oracle database technology, the user interface is both reliable and user-friendly. It runs on most computer platforms [including Windows, Unix, Linux, etc.], and is highly scalable. Flexible functionality can be turned on or off by company, site, department, team, position, role and even by individual staff member.

Applicable to all types of enterprises, in all industries, in all situations, Compass Business Suite is especially relevant to medium to large-scale service-oriented businesses where it has the greatest positive effect on reliable service delivery, growth and bottom line net profit performance ...

Demonstration and evaluation

CBS is easy to understand. The overall business suite can be demonstrated in 2 hours. A detailed walk-thru of each module takes less than an hour. Our consultants enter some of your own data examples to make the experience more "real". Our flexible financing options allow any business to afford the latest functionality without "blowing the IT budget".

Implementation is a breeze ...

Our widely experienced consultants work closely with your team to ensure:

  • technical implementation is rapid yet sound
  • management know exactly what's going on and how to use the software
  • whereever necessary, work processes are re-engineered to fit smoothly with CBS. The outcome is almost always more ergonomic, more satisfying and more efficient [simpler, faster, cheaper
  • end-user staff are given detailed training to use the functions that apply to the exact processes they use each day
  • user group sessions are run every four months to ensure users are enjoying their use of CBS and are fully up-to-date with the latest tips and developments. more ...

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