Alpha Page Works for You 24 x 7  

Compass Alpha Page Exposed

The CBS Alpha Page brings you more of the information you need just when you want it ... "Sensitive Information delivered Just-in-time".

Alpha Page is a virtual communication channel that becomes your own mobile "Window to Sensitive Information" [24 x 7]. It collects your data in one place and delivers it whenever and wherever you need. It filters out the noise and delivers messages, photos, maps, reports, assignment and reference material "just-in-time". It's safe, secure and easy to use.

Alpha Page is more than a web page because it is driven out of the powerful "Compass Business Suite" [CBS] database where enterprises or individuals store information specifically for you. You can even store your own records there. You can access it over the web and see for yourself. Call +61 (02) 9880 8877 for a brief "walk-thru" demo or e-mail

Here is a solution to a growing need in the information industry: a system that filters out noise for the target audience with little maintenance effort. CBS Alpha Page delivers crisp, clear, timely information. It can be fully integrated into your own website, seamlessly. So your audience can get exactly what they need, simply, reliably, every time.

The Web is Great but ...

How long does it take to find new information on the web? Longer than you would like? Most web sites are designed with lists of options to make it easier for you to navigate to the information you are looking for. Unfortunately, this becomes a noisy and less precise environment. It is difficult to get the exact information you need.

On most web sites, you have to navigate or drill down through a number of pages to find the right "target" page. When you get there, you usually have to collect the facts you need, then go on through the site to find other bits to fill out the whole picture of what you want to know. Although the facts may be somewhere on the website, the information you really need, often has to be collected from a number of different pages. Tracking them all down, is like a treasure hunt. Great [if you like the challenge], irritating [if you are time poor], tiresome [if you have to go back time and time again to the same pages] on a regular basis.

Then you have to write down the bits that you need or print off the page/s you've found for later reference, because it's hard to retrace your steps to exactly the same place each time. And the worst turn-off is: you often find the latest news is not there and out-of-date information still clutters the space.

When you want information ... web pages that contain advertising or other subject matter become distracting for the reader. It's really a trade-off between something being entertaining or informing. When your audience needs precise, up-to-date information, delivered just when they need it, internet "junk" or web page "clutter" should be avoided.

Information ... Just-In-Time

Most information a person needs has a very limited shelf life, so it is helpful if it is not presented too early or keeps being presented when it is out-of-date and no longer relevant. Also, once they have read it, the reader may want to put it away, so it doesn't clutter their workspace, but still be able to access it, just in case. Most websites don't do this for you, so most people use e-mails for this purpose. This is a way of giving you exactly what you need without having to go through the web searching for it.

But e-mails get out-of-date too! and they take time to file and archive. There are also practical limits on how much you can keep on-line.

Another problem is that nowadays we get so many e-mails that we start to drown in stuff that is not very important and we spend time deleting the ever-increasing volume of unsolicited spam. Also, people tend to get a bit slap-dash when sending e-mails and it often takes quite a few iterations [between sender and receiver] before you get the information you need. The upshot is that using e-mail as a substitute for a common database is less than ideal ... it ultimately takes more time and effort, things tend to get lost more often, and mistakes are more likely.

Another approach is to send SMS messages, but these are very limited in length and content [you can't have attachments], don't show when received, add expense for the organisation, and can't be easily kept or filed.

In summary ...

the web is wonderful ... yet target audiences find websites hard to navigate, their e-mail account has become too noisy and information "clutter" is a growing problem. The solution is clear and simple ... a system that filters the information for the target audience, without requiring undue effort by the sender or administrator.

So ... what's the answer? Something that gives you just the information you need, at precisely the time when you are looking for it and without clutter, noise, or the need to search for it time and time again. Just one place you can go and get it all delivered to you there, securely, privately and completely.

And ... it has to be easy to use and not require the reader to look at several websites to get the whole picture or go searching for bits of information on different pages, then have to piece the bits together. It's got to be presented to the reader all in one place. Your audience shouldn't have to memorize the pathway, just to get their information or latest news.

CBS Alpha Page is the answer! It provides all the above functionality and benefits, in an easy to understand, easy to use, single package. What's more, it's easy to install, easy to maintain and does cost a lot either.

How CBS Alpha Page works ...

Any organisation can deploy it. Sensitive information is entered into CBS, each piece is period dated, then specific groups of people are given access. That's all.

"Members and Staff" of the organisation just follow these three simple rules:
1. Visit their Alpha Page regularly.
2. Tell their organisation what sort of things they want presented.
3. Keep their username and password to themselves.

Users are prompted to provide feedback by answering questions or providing comments. They can also encourage others to make use of the Alpha Page by providing them a link to request their own username and password.

You can even target communications to your special customers or potential clients in a fully personalised and succinct way. By using the "Capabilities, Attributes and Preferences" system in CBS, Alpha Page can deliver specific messages and information directly to your target market without you having to address communications individually.

Alpha Page can do a lot for your organisation. Here's just a taste of what's in store for your staff and members.

1. Specific work items or assignments staff have to do.
2. Tasklists presented in priority order.
3. Messages, reminders, alerts, etc.
4. Reference information of all types.
5. News items [timed to present only when they are current].
6. Notices to members [eg cancellation of sporting events].

Each user can chose to have their information collected together and delivered in one page. And ... because they enter a username and password, their Alpha Page is personalised and secure. Sensitive and personal information can be delivered without the worry that other people might see it. Just remember to log out when you've finished. Here's a list of some of the personal information you can chose from.

1. My performance appraisal or review notes.
2. My training needs and schedule.
3. My personal student or employee or membership information.
4. My time schedule or roster.
5. My list of contacts [associates, friends, relatives and other relationships].
6. My work files, my resume or other electronic documents or files that I want available to me online when I'm not at my own computer.

You might want to personalise your Alpha Page. You can chose from a range of formats, graphics and data options.

Can I only have one Alpha Page?

You can have multiple Alpha Pages with the same or different sign-ons. You can introduce CBS Alpha Page to any organisation or enterprise that you belong to, even your own business, church or family clan. That way you can stay connected easily and quickly to everything that is important in your life and to everyone who is significant to you.

All you have to do is ask us at Compass to set up a cluster for your organisation and you're away. We can have you up and running within the hour. So what does it cost? For you the end user, it's free. For organisations that enter data for their staff, members, customers and suppliers, it costs as little as $10 a day. So call us on +61 2 9880 8877 or e-mail us from anywhere in the world and we will deliver your information to your target audience anywhere, anytime they need it.

Next Steps

Just contact us [] [+61 2 9880 8877] and we will give you an on-line demo pertinent to your particular needs.

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