CBS Technologies

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Work Scheduling  

Facilities, Plant Maintenance and Work Orders

This page deals with the scheduling of WORK. Work comes in a variety of forms. Some of it is ad hoc, some routine, some assigned to specific people or groups, some periodic or timed for preventative purposes. Each type of work is described in a separate section below: Work Items, Work Assignments, Routine Operations, Preventative Maintenance, and Monitor / Watch Activities.

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To schedule work, you identify three things:
1. the object or entity on which you are acting;
2. the process you intend to use; and
3. the responsible party for carrying out the work.

CBS handles all aspects of work scheduling in a straight-forward and reliable way. No need for multiple spreadsheets, unrelated lists of assets and continuous monitoring to make sure all work is scheduled. Simply record the facilities or entities you wish to schedule work for, outline your processes at a level that you are comfortable with, and nominate responsible parties who will carry out the work. If you wish, you can assign duly qualified staff to a roster, or even have CBS do that for you automatically, taking their capabilities, availability and preferences into account.

Outstanding work is immediately reportable. Work orders can be set up in advance or issued as and when required. Work dockets can be used to report the state of facilities or observations and comments. Messages can be conveyed via e-mail and / or e-GRAMs. The current work schedule for each staff member can be viewed personally via the Alpha Page. No work item ever has to slip through the cracks again!

Work Items Back to Overview Section

Ordinary pieces of work can be scheduled in CBS as Work Items. CBS allows the user to:
1. specify details of the work required;
2. record history of work done;
3. report back on work done and findings;
4. call up graphical view of the Work Schedule [work item down left-hand-side; time across the top; click on a cell to see details of Work Item; colour-coded to show whether Work Item has been scheduled or due [not committed to the schedule] and whether it was done, partly done, not started, etc.].

Work Assignments Back to Overview Section

Scheduled Work can be assigned to specific persons, groups of people, nominated skill competencies or capabilities ... as Work Assignments. CBS allows the user to:
1. make an assignment;
2. roster a person or group manually;
3. automatically roster a group of people or the whole staff, taking capabilities, availability, staff preferences, and management requirements into account;
4. call up graphical view of the Staff Assignments [staff member down left-hand-side; time across the top; click on a cell to see details of Work Item; colour-coded to show whether Work Item has been scheduled, assigned [to a staff member] or due [not committed to the schedule] and whether it was done, partly done, not started, etc.].

Routine Operations Back to Overview Section

There is always some work in an enterprise that is routine and needs to be done by someone [perhaps anyone] but is often left till last or not done at all because there is no roster of who is responsible for doing it each day or week or month. CBS can keep a roster of who is assigned to specific routine tasks and allows users to:
1. look at when they are rostered on;
2. refer to the regular process and any extra duties for their rostered shift;
3. report on results or exceptions;
4. send an e-GRAM to the next rostered person with any information that is relevant to the task;
5. swap their rostered shift with someone else.

Preventative Maintenance Back to Overview Section

To handle Preventative Maintenance of Facilities, CBS allows the following functionality:
1. manage facility details;
2. specify maintenance process required;
3. nominate periodic maintenance cycle;
4. report when maintenance is next due;
5. record history of work done;
6. call up a graphical view of the Maintenance Schedule [facilities down left-hand-side; time across the top; click on a cell to see details of Work Item; colour-coded to show whether Work Item has been scheduled, assigned [to a staff member] or due [not committed to the schedule] and whether it was done, partly done, not started, etc.];
7. call up a graphical view of Staff Maintenance Assignments;
8. record Work Dockets of work done, not done, etc. by staff performing Work;
9. [advanced option] call up Reports - maintenance cost [budgetted, forecast, actual] by Facility, Type of Facility, Org Unit, etc.

Forms and functions include the following:

1. Facility DES [Data Entry Screen]

  • Ability to record both Facility Instances and Types of Facilities.
  • All details including Model, Specification, Asset Number, Description, etc.
  • Auto-population of Facility details from the "Specification" of the Type of Facility.
  • Easy linking of a Facility to the relevant Facility Maintenance Process [hierarchy accessible from the CORRIDOR™].
  • Full history on "Maintenance & Repair Log" tab with scrollable list of Maintenance Work Items [Done, Scheduled and Due].

    Note 1: Maintenance Work Items are recorded as FLURRs [see Point 5. below]. User can create Work Item FLURRs from the Facility DES [by adding a "future dated" Process Item to the Maintenance & Repair Log] or on Graphical, List and Tabular Layouts of the Work Schedule.

    Note 2: "Maintenance Due Dates" can be automatically calculated from the Facility's "Maintenance Process Definition", actual Usage records, actual maintenance done records and certain other information which may be entered into the calculation at run time [even if not previously recorded in CBS].

2. Facilities and their Components [Definition Hierarchy]

  • Multi-level hierarchy for relating facilities and their sub-facilities [plant, equipment, furniture, etc.] to their components and sub-components, using a Hierarchical Tree.
  • Expected Life Cycle, use-by-dates, and duty periods are shown to support determination of maintenance cycles [eg running hours, kilometres, elapsed time, etc.].

3. Facilities FS [Filtered Search]

  • Buttons to create a Specification from a Facility instance and create an instance using a specification.
  • Facilities Tree [allows user to expand and collapse the hierarchy of facility components and drill to important details].

4. Process Definition Hierarchy

  • Multi-level hierarchy for definition of processes, activities and steps, using a Tree.
  • Work Process Definition to support specification of maintenance cycles [eg running hours, kilometres, elapsed time, etc.].

5. Process Definition Catalogue

  • Process Definitions can be fully catalogued [classified] and are readily accessible [and controlled] via the powerful CBS CORRIDOR™ technology.

6. Maintenance Schedule

User can record Preventative Maintenance Work Items to create the Maintenance Schedule. The following functions are provided to accomodate the different viewpoints of the scheduler, the manager, the person performing the work, and senior management.

  • Facilities Details show when a maintenance work item is next due.
  • "Work Item" Details [work to be done - this includes functionality to change the status of a Work Item].
  • "Work Docket" Details [report of work actually done and observations].
  • Maintenance & Repair Log History.
  • Maintenance Schedule of Work Items [in Graphical, List and Tabular Layouts] - this allows drilling cells to bring up Facility DES, Componentry, Maintenance Process [and its hierarchy].
  • Larger enterprises can use automated rostering to assign staff in an optimal fashion.

7. Easy Use Engineering Management Workbench

CBS includes purpose-specific and tailorable Workbench for Management with functions for definition, planning, control and monitoring as well as alerts, access to reports, etc.

For more information see CBS Help.

For more information on Engineering see CBS Help - Engineering Work.

Monitor / Watch Activities Back to Overview Section

CBS supports monitoring and watching activities in a variety of ways. Some are quite specific, other subtle. Key inbuilt elements include:

  • Filtered Searches [FS] that find and order on dates, periods, states, statuses, stages, responsibilities and other key performance indicators.
  • graphical displays of schedules that show outstanding items
  • e-mail and e-GRAM alerts and messaging.
  • individual assignments, responsibilities and outstanding items.

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