What is CBS?

CEO Executive Brief

Marketing Executive Brief

Staff Member Brief

Senior Executives Brief

HR Executive Brief

Media Brief

Guided Tours Directory

CBS for Accountants

CBS for Property & Asset Mgt

CBS for Charitable Institutions

CBS for the Resource Sector

Sports Notification Service

CBS for Political Parties

CBS for Electoral Offices

CBS for Universities

CBS for TAFE Colleges

CBS for Schools

CBS for Councils

CBS for Financial Advisors

CBS for Forestry

CBS for Tourism & Hospitality

Compass Briefs  

Your Perspective; Your Industry

The links on this page explain CBS from your perspective and for your industry. There is much more than space allows, so please contact us and one of our friendly staff will be happy to provide a more in-depth view and answer your questions.


Each brief provides a different perspective. Please choose the one most relevant to you. The last screen of each brief brings you back to this page.

From the items below [or the Compass Briefs page], you can navigate to pages about each industry sector that Compass is currently targetting, ie

For more about the CBS product itself, WIIFM, or the Compass team, in a succinct and easy to read format, see Guided Tours Directory.

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... a better way of (business) life



Guided Tours Directory

CBS for Schools

CBS for TAFE Colleges

CBS for Universities

CBS for Councils

CBS for Financial Advisors

CBS for Accountants

CBS for Property & Asset Mgt

CBS for the Resource Sector

CBS for Forestry

CBS for Tourism & Hospitality

CBS for Political Parties

CBS for Electoral Offices

CBS for Charitable Institutions

Sports Notification Service